Subject description

This subject is an introduction to the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous laws and legal systems in Australia. It considers the nature and status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander laws, and explores some of the specific legal issues of current relevance to Indigenous peoples in Australia. Topics include the … For more content click the Read More button below.

Enrolment rules



LLB3344 - Indigenous Peoples and Legal Systems

Tutorial enrolment

Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS


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Teaching staff

Subject coordinators

Engagement hours

Contact Hours:Refer to Subject Outline

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Demonstrate understanding of: Aspects of systems of social organisation and regulation which operate as part of the cultures of Indigenous peoples in Australia
Demonstrate understanding of: The repercussions of European invasion, colonialism and post-colonialism for Australian Indigenous legal systems and Indigenous sovereignty
Analyse and assess: Ramifications of developments in policies and laws imposed by Australian governments upon Indigenous peoples, especially in relatively recent history and in the contemporary socio-political context
Analyse and assess: The claims of Indigenous peoples to continuing sovereignty and self-determination, and the resistance of Australian governments and courts to these claims
Analyse and assess: Strengths and weaknesses of existing legislative and policy regimes ostensibly aimed at recognising Indigenous legal rights or redressing Indigenous disadvantage, in areas such as land rights and native title, criminal justice, and the legacy of former child removal practices
Analyse and assess: Options and current debates regarding institutional change to the status of Indigenous peoples in Australia, including constitutional change and new governance structures
Demonstrate a detailed and critical knowledge of a specific research topic, chosen by the student, regarding an area of Indigenous legal rights and policy

Assessment details

Take Home Exam
Research Essay

Textbook information

Larissa Behrendt, Chris Cunneen, Terri Libesman, Nicole Watson, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Relations, 2nd edition, 2018, Oxford University Press

Contact details

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